Financial and Investment Analysis Services


Standard Analysis Packages

Similar to our Property Analysis and Acquisition package, this service provides a number of different analysis reports. This package would typically be prepared for one property as a stand-alone investment. Specific sections that clients can request include:
These packages are available together in a centralized property analysis report or as separate packages.


Centralized Property Analysis

In this report, we provide the investor with detailed information on the property they wish to acquire, property characteristics, and history. Furthermore, we use our data-driven method in order to provide reliable projections for the property’s value over time.


Neighborhood Analysis

In this report, we use a variety of different publicly available data sources in order to provide the investor with detailed insight into the demographic, economic, and market features of their investment property’s neighborhood, zip code, and local/regional markets.


financial consulting

Through our network of experienced analysts, we can provide outsourcing options for companies looking to shift some of their analysis work towards outside consultants. This can include but not limited to:

  • Research on market data and trends

  • Assessment and Analysis of trends on a regional and national level

  • Financial model implementation and review

  • Pro Forma design using Excel or another platform

  • Converting static appraisal forms to dynamic electronic versions